Newark & Nottinghamshire County Show - results
Newark & Nottinghamshire County Show
10 and 11 May 2008
Judge: Giles Green
Bull, any age
5 entries/4 forward
1st Blackbrook Philosopher Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
2nd Blackbrook Rochester Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
3rd Dunstall Genesis Mrs EM Hallifield
4th Bejon Horation Mr & Mrs MI & GS Thomas
Cow or Heifer
4 entries/3 forward
1st Blackbrook Iona Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
2nd Dunstall Debbie Mrs EM Hallifield
3rd Barlings Foxglove Mr & Mrs MI & GS Thomas
Heifer, born in 2006
6 entries/4 forward
1st Dunstall Garnet Mrs EM Hallifield
2nd Blackbrook Queen Mab Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
3rd Barlings Greta Mr & Mrs MI & GS Thomas
4th Dunstall Gypsy Mrs EM Hallifield
Heifer, born on or after 01.01.07
9 entries/6 forward
1st Blackbrook Rowena Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
2nd Blackbrook Rhyme Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
3rd Barlings Helen Mr & Mrs MI & GS Thomas
4th Dunstall Hanna Mrs EM Hallifield
5th Dunstall Harriet Mrs EM Hallifield
6th Wheatholme Constilation Mr & Mrs P & L Bell
Group of Three
2 entries/2 forward
1st Mrs EM Hallifield
2nd Mr & Mrs JW Stanley
Breed Champion Blackbrook Philosopher
Reserve Breed Champion Blackbrook Rochester
Female Champion Dunstall Garnet
Reserve Female Champion Blackbrook Iona
Best Junior Bull Blackbrook Rochester
Best Junior Heifer Blackbrook Rowena
NatWest Group of Three Interbreed
9 entries/9 forward
Champion Limousin Group
Reserve Champion Mrs JW Stanley's Longhorn Group
Mr JW Samworth Exhibitor Owned Pairs Interbreed
Champion Mrs JW Stanley's Longhorn Pair
Breed Champion - Mr & Mrs JW Stanley's Blackbrook Philosopher
with judge Giles Green
Mr & Mrs MI & GS Thomas' Barlings Foxglove
Mrs E Hallifield's Dunstall Debbie
Mr & Mrs P&L Bell's Wheatholme Constilation
Judging of the cow class