Society Autumn Sale - report
The Longhorn Cattle Society’s Autumn Sale including dispersals of the Frog Lane herd (CG Martin) and Logan herd (Prof I craft) at Worcester proved to be well supported by a particularly strong company of buyers, supporters and enthusiasts with cattle travelling to all parts of the country. The total entry of some 130 lots again proving that numbers attract buyers attracts competition.
All classes of stock were keenly followed with commercial as well as established breeders in attendance and looking for strong, well shaped cattle.
Top price of the day levelled at 1800gns twice both for in-calf heifers, the first for Blackbrook Quince, a Blackbrook Nova daughter bred by John and Pat Stanley and Logan Dulcie by Southfield Attitude, both included in the Logan dispersal and being purchased by Belvoir Ridge Holdings, Nottingham and Mrs R Heard, Welford, Northampton respectively.
Logan cattle enjoyed support throughout with cows and calves peaking at 1500gns for a homebred cow Logan Cleopatra with a bull calf at foot – she had previously won Reserve Champion TCAS 2006 and was secured by SF Wright, Longstanton, Cambridge.
The Frog Lane dispersal enjoyed a sound, level and consistent demand from pedigree and commercial buyers. Again cows and calves sold briskly peaking at 1400gns for Bejon Farina with bull calf going to J Winnington, Church Broughton, Derby and to 1320gns for Logan Caroline with heifer calf taken by JS & JW Brigg, Lighthorne, Warwick
12 cows in calf or with calf £732.37
3 served heifers £777.00
3 unserved heifers £675.50
Frog Lane Dispersal
42 cows and calved heifers £844.50
9 served heifers £689.50
14 unserved heifers £438.75
2 bulls £976.50
Logan Dispersal
5 cows and calved heifers £1396.50
6 served heifers £1645.00
5 unserved heifers £919.80
1 bull £1323.00
Auctioneers: McCartneys LLP
Phone: 01905 769770
Click here for McCartneys website
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