DEFRA web upgrade will block older computer systems


Farmers with older computer operating systems may find that access to the Cattle Tracing Service and other DEFRA online tools is blocked from 1 April.

DEFRA said that upgraded security measures mean the online Government Gateway will no longer support certain operating systems and browsers.

These include Windows XP, Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 6&&. Other more recent operating systems and browsers might need reconfiguring to ensure they work with an encryption service known as TLS 1.2

Can you access DEFRA services after 1 April?

No - Internet Explorer version 7 or lower is not compatible
No - Windows CP or Windows Vista - your operating system is not compatible

Maybe - Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 or 10 - you may need to check your configuration

Yes - Internet Explorer version 11 is compatible.

DEFRA urges farmers to make compatibility checks as soon as possible because the upgrade affects a wide range of services including DEFRA SignOn and SignOn Admin; AMLS2; ESP Seedcart; CTS Online; and Sheep and Goat ETAS.

Click here for the link to the website to find out if your operating system and/or browser is compatible


