Bill Elliott - memorial service


Bill Elliott - memorial service

An update on the earlier post:
The Elliott family are having a memorial service at 12 noon on the 5th May at St Mary's Church, High Street, Shrewton, with refreshments after at the Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Shrewton, followed by a private cremation.  If members wish to attend they should contact Judi on 07547331208 or email her on


The office has received the following message from Judi Elliott, Bill Elliott's daughter in law:

Bill Elliott's wife Margaret and family would like to let all the Longhorn members who knew Bill that he passed away on the 14th April 2015 after a short illness.

Bill was the manager of the Stoke Herd of Longhorns for the Late Mr Robert Wales and Natural England.  Bill was also President of the Longhorn Cattle Society in 1992 and 1993 and a well respected member for many years.
