National Show 2023 results
There was a fabulous turnout of cattle at the Great Yorkshire Show for the Society's National Show this week. Our judge Danny Wyllie had his work cut out with some big classes of quality cattle. In the end he selected two cows as his breed champion and reserve. Breed champion was six year old cow Blackbrook Bluebell from JW & PA Stanley, and in reserve was five year old cow Melbourn Park Griselda from B&T Stanley. Male champion was three year old bull Southfield Uproar from D&A Blockley, and reserve male was yearling bull Blackbrook Ghost Rider from JW & PA Stanley.
The weather just about behaved itself for the judging and then we retreated to the cattle lines to avoid the downpour for a superb lunch generously provided for us by friends and relations of the Blockley family.
On Thursday the senior interbreed team of four were awarded the reserve championship, just beaten by the Charolais team who were also holding their national show at the Great Yorkshire. The spectacle of so many breeds presenting their teams in the cattle rings was an amazing sight and it was a real coup for the breed!
Click here for the results of the Society's National Show at the Great Yorkshire Show on 11 July.
Click here for photos on Flickr