Northern Longhorn Breeders' Showing Workshop


The Northern Breeders' group held a Showing Workshop on 1 May

1 May 2016

A less than hoped for turnout but with the weather being as it had in early spring and everyone behind on work it not too surprising.  With no cows turned out as yet we made the best of what we had and had to move indoors as once again it rained.  The demonstrations where carried out by Jim Courts of Thirsk who demonstrated clipping and dressing of a Longhorn senior heifer in preparation for the show or sale ring, followed by members having a go themselves.  Jim selected and judged four cows for a stock judging competition and all members had a go - nobody totally agreed with Jim but the closest was James Emsley.  After lunch two heifers were led into a show ring as Jim explained what a judge was looking for and how animal and handler should behave.  A big thank you to Jim for his knowledge and advice and everyone went home with something to think about!!  Graham Walker Northern Breeders' Group Chairman.

Click here for some photos of the day

