Royal County of Berkshire Show - results
Royal County of Berkshire Show
20 September 2008
Judge: Richard Warner
Bull, any age
7 entries/1 forward
1st Longash Hagrid Mr S Hollier
2 entries/1 forward
1st Selborne Myrtle Mr & Mrs G Woollatt
Senior Heifer
7 entries/4 forward
1st Wenham Glitch Mr AK Clark
2nd Longash Georgina Mr S Hollier
3rd Gupworthy Grace Mr & Mrs G Woollatt
4th Avonvale Gloria Mr PJ Mitchell
Junior Heifer
8 entries/5 forward
1st Avonvale Honey Mr PJ Mitchell
2nd Trelawny Amber Mr AK Clark
3rd Longash Hoopoo Mr S Hollier
4th Gupworthy Hebe Mr & Mrs G Woollatt
5th Avonvale Hyacinth Mr PJ Mitchell
Breed Champion Wenham Glitch
Reserve Champion Selborne Myrtle
Best Junior Male Longash Hagrid
Best Junior Female Avonvale Honey
Judge Richard Warner inspects Mr S Hollier's Longash Hagrid
Mr P Mitchell's Avonvale Honey
Breed Champion Wenham Glitch and Reserve Champion Selborne Myrtle