Royal County of Berkshire Show - results

20 September 2008 Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ

Royal County of Berkshire Show
20 September 2008

Judge: Richard Warner

Bull, any age
7 entries/1 forward
1st    Longash Hagrid                       Mr S Hollier

2 entries/1 forward
1st    Selborne Myrtle                      Mr & Mrs G Woollatt

Senior Heifer
7 entries/4 forward
1st    Wenham Glitch                        Mr AK Clark
2nd   Longash Georgina                  Mr S Hollier
3rd   Gupworthy Grace                   Mr & Mrs G Woollatt
4th   Avonvale Gloria                      Mr PJ Mitchell

Junior Heifer
8 entries/5 forward
1st     Avonvale Honey                     Mr PJ Mitchell
2nd   Trelawny Amber                     Mr AK Clark
3rd    Longash Hoopoo                     Mr S Hollier
4th    Gupworthy Hebe                    Mr & Mrs G Woollatt
5th    Avonvale Hyacinth                Mr PJ Mitchell

Breed Champion                    Wenham Glitch
Reserve Champion                             Selborne Myrtle
Best Junior Male                                 Longash Hagrid
Best Junior Female                            Avonvale Honey

Longash Hagrid
Judge Richard Warner inspects Mr S Hollier's Longash Hagrid

Avonvale Honey
Mr P Mitchell's Avonvale Honey

Wenham Glitch and Selborne Myrtle
Breed Champion Wenham Glitch and Reserve Champion Selborne Myrtle

Show Results