The 2nd Mid West Longhorn Breeders Production Sale
08 December 2007
Taunton Livestock Centre, Priory Bridge Road,Taunton,Somerset TA1 1PN.
The 2nd Mid West Longhorn Breeders Production Sale will now take place on Saturday 8th December 2007 at Taunton Livestock Centre (not at the new Bridgwater facility as previously advertised)
Entries from all herds, both from members within the Mid West Group and nationally, are invited.
Entries close Friday 16th November 2007.
This sale is being co-ordinated by Taunton Market Auctioneers. Clive Roads, in the capacity of LCS Official Auctioneer, will be in the rostrum.
Contact: Mr. D. Biss, c/o Greenslade Taylor Hunt, 22 Princes Street, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 1EW. Phone: 01935 423474